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Aurora Belyn
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Aurora or Rory, grew up as an only child. She had a fairly happy childhood, living with her mother after her father was Splinched and died. As she grew up an only child with her mother, she didn't really get to meet many children or anyone really. Her mother grew very protective over her after her father's 'incident', and began to teach her daughter to control her magic, as though to keep any accidents from happening to her. Despite the lack of children in her life, her grandparents were quite present, having become unusually close after the loss of their son-in-law, whom they had loved dearly. Unfortunately by the time they became a large part in her life, Rory had already become very shy and withdrawn, rarely having any sort of a conversation with them. This has made her very quiet and shy, drawn more to reading books than interacting with others. Despite this, she does appreciate company if anyone will... well, "force" her to be their friend, and often grows more nervous and skittish when left alone. She is rather small, even for her age, with blonde hair that falls to her mid-back. Her eyes are an interesting colour, a blue green that shifts depending on what she wears. She is rather pale and her features are rather small and petite to match her frame.