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Esmeralda Reed
London, England
First year, Slytherin
23,1 cm acacia wood and dragon heartstring
Esmeralda Reed is a cheeky, sarcastic little bugger that's always had an interest in fiddling with little insects and roots and plants, having a bit of a collection of herbs pressed into old journals, tiny animals preserved in a variety of bottles, and a steady population of beetles in a worn out jar. She was born on December 4th, 2008. She has long, jet-black hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She likes dressing in dark, oversized, comfortable wear.
Her mother, Maria Reyes, was a Filipino chef, a muggle who migrated to London for work, where she met Esmeralda's father, Charles Reed, who worked in the Ministry of Magic, dealing with work in close contact with muggles rather than in the wizarding world. They moved to the countryside for a few years to let Esmeralda grow up in a quiet environment, before they went back to London for their careers. They've all got a pleasant, playful relationship with eachother, their home life was fairly satisfying.

During her years in the countryside was where Esmeralda developed her interest in nature and its little critters, often spending her time in the woods scribbling anything that catches her eye onto a sketchbook, and bringing whatever curious thing she comes across back home to add to her collection. Naturally having spent her days so much out there, her magical awakening had occurred during her daily walks at age 10, slipping down and hanging off the side of a steep hill, barely able to reach the ground as a thick root had wrapped itself around her arm, making her stuck swinging side to side. Her frustration had set off her magic, the root disappearing into thin air, making her fall flat on her mug. In pain, but finally free.

Shaken by what happened, she frantically babbled on about it to her parents, where her father explained to her about magic, the wizarding world, and how they were a part of it. She was indifferent about the idea of possibly studying at Hogwarts since she's never really known anything about magic or wizards and witches almost her whole childhood, but once Charles told her about the Herbology, Potions and maybe the Care of Magical Creatures subjects, her interests were piqued, and though she wouldn't admit it, she'd been eagerly waiting for that fateful letter from Hogwarts.