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Christian DiGiovanni
Bedford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Christian is a green-eyed, golden-blond haired kid that has a smaller stature than the average kid his age, standing at barely 4 feet tall. Due to him being shorter than the majority of his peers, Christian was picked on constantly while in muggle primary school, which he attended at his muggle-born mother's insistence. This unfortunately led to the young boy developing a temper that matched his stature that he was mocked for, leading to more than one instance of Christian's parents being called by the principal and even being suspended one time for a couple of days.

The instance that caused Christian to be suspended occurred during is second year during primary school, starting with some of his meaner peers tormenting the new kid that Christian was trying to be friends with. Christian, being insanely loyal and protective of the few friends he was able to make, confronted the leader of the group of bullies. After being ridiculed by the bullies and roughly pushed to the ground by the leader, Christian's magic lashed out, knocking the group of bullies to the ground. However, the ringleader landed on his hand weirdly, causing his wrist to break. While this subdued the bullies for the rest of Christian's second year, the new kid was also scared away unfortunately, and Christian also got suspended for a couple of days of course.

That, however, was not Christian's first bout of accidental magic. His first bout occurred when he was only a toddler, 2 at most. His older sister, Megan, who was twelve at the time and had just finished her second year at Hogwarts, was watching Christian while their parents were making dinner. Christian's favorite stuffed animal, a Hungarian Horntail that he lovingly called "dagin," was being washed after Christian tried to feed him some apple sauce. Missing his favorite lunch buddy, and much to the displeasure of his older sibling, Christian wouldn't stop crying for his "dagin." Tired of his crying, Megan went to the kitchen to get their parents to come calm him down. However, halfway back to the living room where Christian's playpen was situated, the crying suddenly stopped. Upon arriving at the scene, Christian's sister and parents were pleasantly surprised and overall ecstatic to see him holding a soaking wet and very soapy Hungarian Horntail plushie.