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Melody Anderson
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,2 cm spruce wood and phoenix feather
Hello,I am Melody Anderson.My family has generations as wizards and witches.My first interaction with magic was when i was 5 years old and i got really sad because of my great grandmother’s death and somehow things started to shake and to fly.There my parents learned that maybe my path to magic will continue further since that accident my parents always told me histories and fairytales about Hogwarts and magic and thats how i became closer to magic and my love for Hogwarts started.Now im so happy i could make my dream come true.My family is half blood and my great great great great grandfather was the first one in our family to discover the magic path and thats how it all started.My mum was a normal teenager who fell in love with a wizard,my dad, at first she was shocked and thought he was joking but then she got used to it and started to love it too.My little brother is very interested in magic aswell because of my stories he hasn’t had his first interaction yet but we are waiting.I cant wait to start my journey,i know i have big dreams for an 11 years old girl but that way i feel happier.I hope my first day at Hogwarts goes well i want to make lots of friends and be very smart in my classes.😊🧿