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Krystal White
Richmond, England
Second year, Gryffindor
30,8 cm mayhaw wood and horned serpent horn
Krystal White

Krystal has large brown eyes, ringed by dark eyelashes. Her hair is thick and cut in a short, asymmetrical style. Her face is still that of a child's, although it is becoming more oval. Her skin used to be tan from spending days in the sun, but after moving to England two years ago it was back to its original pasty white.

Krystal is an amazing friend. She is loyal, protective, kind and caring. She is very optimistic, so much so that some people might find it annoying. She never hesitates to help and is quick to trust, although sometimes these attributes can cost her time and money. She is a generally nice person (or at least she tries to be) but her complete honesty makes it hard sometimes.
It's not easy to annoy Krystal, and if you do manage to, she calms down quite quickly. The easies way to anger her is to hurt her friends, however you might not want to do this. If you get on her bad side, she can get really angry. One these rare occasions she talks to you, she will be very snappy and cold.
Krystal can be competitive at times. This normally pushes her to try harder and achieve greater things.
Krystal lived in Australia until she was nine, so she often uses Australian slang that nobody understands. She never gets frustrated when she has to explain what she means because she sees it as a joke. Sometimes she doesn't realize when she uses this slang, and people give her blank stares. She normally has to explain through peals of laughter.
The reason she moved from Australia to England was because her grandfather had died. He left a house for her mother that was bigger than the one they had in Australia.

Krystal's magic first showed itself when she was playing on the roof of her house. She was five years old and playing with her best friend. Their parents were with them (Did you really think her parents would let clumsy five-years-old's on the roof on their own?). Her friend looked over the edge and said "Don't wook down! It's scawy and high!"
Krystal looked down and leaned slightly too far over the edge. Obviously, she fell. Landed unharmed on the ground, despite the two story fall onto concrete. Not even a scratch.
To this day, Krystal still thinks that incident was just lucky, but her magic showed itself in other, smaller ways.

Krystal loves the colour purple. Why? She doesn't know. She just does. Her favourite food is cheese... Again, she doesn't know why.
Krystal lives with her mother and father, she has no siblings. Her mother is a pure-blood, Ravenclaw and an auror. Her father is a muggle-born and Hufflepuff. Krystal has no idea what his job is actually called, but she knows it's something to do with flight regulations in the Ministry of Magic.
Krystal was surprised when she was put in Gryffindor. Her parents often had playful arguments over which parent she would take after. She exhibited traits of both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, so no one really knew. No one was expecting Gryffindor, although, she did show many stereotypical Gryffindor qualities.