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Millie Corbyn
13 Apr 2009
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,9 cm cherry wood and white river monster spine
Hi, my name is Millie Corbyn! I have wavy brown hair cut into a bob with bangs. My eyes are brown and I have fair skin. My hobbies are reading, drawing, and binge-watching shows. I also like shoujo anime and manga.
My MBTI is ESFP, which means that I am a hands-on extrovert who follows her heart and goes with the flow. I am a natural leader despite sometimes being shy around new people. I'm known for being clumsy and scatter-brained. Most people would consider me to be very friendly, even to the people who are rude to me. I will try to be friends with everyone who talks to me!
I am the third child of two "muggles," that's what you call a non-magic user, right? My oldest sibling, his name is Duncan, is seven years older than me, which makes him eighteen. My old sister, Agnes, is only four years older than me. Neither of them have any traces of magic in them, just like my parents.
I get along with my sister just like any two sisters usually do. We often fight over petty things, but in the end, we always love each other. I used to fight with my brother, but once he turned seventeen we stopped really getting into arguments. My parents always supported me and wanted me to do great things with my life. I'm not sure that they really approve of me attending Hogwarts, but they can tell that it will make me happy, so they're willing to go along with it.
The story of my first time doing magic is actually quite boring, but here it is. I remember being home with my dad one day and he was warming up some soup for our lunch. I remember not wanting to eat the soup, and wanting to eat cookies for dinner. I asked him if I could have a cookie and he told me no. For some reason, I was sure that he would say yes, so this made me really sad. I asked again a few minutes later and he said no again. Then I reached for the container holding the cookies. My dad noticed this and put the container up onto a high shelf. I started to cry, and my dad told me that I could have a cookie after the meal, but apparently this wasn't good enough for eight-year old Millie. I got frustrated and almost threw a tantrum, but stopped when the container floated back down to the table. My dad was extremely freaked out by this and told my mum as soon as she got home. She didn't really believe him until I received my fifth letter from Hogwarts, though. And that brings us to where we are today!