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Hieronymus Cortland
Preston, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,6 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Hieronymus Cortland

There is a subtle stillness in the air when you know something major is about to happen. It was this sort of stillness that has haunted a small apartment in Preston, England for some time now. Hiero still remembers the first time he felt it, waiting for his father to come home from his job as a mechanic. It never happened. He felt it once more as his mother tried to count out their rent money. She didn't have enough. Soon the stillness started to infect other parts of Hiero's life. In class when he forgot his homework, when he walked home frm school and a group of boys followed after, taunting. He was used to stillness, the ominous slow air that kept him on high alert. Hiero however, was not used to it being a good thing.

It was early summer when the owl arrived. An owl was not something he was used to seeing and he had let out a small squeal of fright. Thankfully for that night his mom had not been him, and his brothers had been sleep for some time now. When he finally approached the window the Owl seemed uninterested in the boy and took off, leaving behind it just a letter. The stillness overcame him but when Hiero was able to open it, he unleashed a whole new world along with it.

Magic, Hogwarts, what did it all mean?

Hiero was known for his quiet personality. He didn't like to make a fuss and he didn't like to get in anyone's way. Used to just following around his mother and helping her, his own desires and wants were so often pushed to the side he no longer can identify them. He was an easy target to be picked on in school, small, soft spoken, uninterested in defending himself. Regardless the boy hardly showed a negative emotion, although it was true he felt them. He had become so accustomed to just ignoring it that he felt detached from his own suffering all together. It was hardly anything to complain about though, it just made life more tolerable.

He had short light brown hair that would bleach blonde in the summer. His eyes were a pale green and his skin was ruddy and occasionally marked with bruises and cuts. He was known for his thin, lanky appearance and it seemed he would grow to be quite tall as he aged. Though, the boy just wished to not stand out.

As he pondered the letter, Hiero realized in some ways it made sense. He remembered as a child he would sit around and little sparkles would dance in front of his eyes. He had thought it was just his imagination until one morning his brother asked how he made the lightning bugs dance. "They aren't bugs" Hiero had said, but then he realized he wasn't sure what they were. He thought they were just in his head. But this letter must have been the secret to that.

It was magic.