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Mariam Wills
Wizard born
North Stainley, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
24,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
This is Mariam Wills, a young girl who keeps to herself yet has a lot of spunk! This girl is always smiling and giggling even though she isn't very talkative. She is highly observant and loves to see the wonder in all things, this causes her to be a mischievous little rascal and get into things that usually get her lost, in trouble, or in an adventure. You would usually see her messing with little trinkets she has found throughout the day, she will always try to find a meaningful use for these 'pieces of trash'. Mariam likes to use her imagination and go off on once again adventures and make herself the explorer of the magic forest! Someone who is brave and won't hesitate to jump headfirst into the wild bushes! Though she is brave and strong, Mariam sometimes gets overstimulated or overwhelmed if she feels she has messed up, isn't doing her best, or things don't go her way. This causes her to have moments of break downs or anxiety attacks. Mariam also has quite the temper is pushed over the edge, she acts out like this since she doesn't really express her feelings. All this was caused due to her mother not being home all the time. This made her feel like she was a bad daughter, so she would work hard in school and clean the house so her mama could stay instead of leave every day, only to come back when she is sleeping. She isn't afraid of new things and will definitely adjust to the school! But even though she isn't very talkative and doesn't mind being alone, she still wants a friend or two. Mariam's free and well-mannered spirit is ready to show the school that she is the best witch! And she will do whatever it takes to make people see how wonderful and bright she is if you look a little closer.

Mariam first discovered her love(and gift!) for magic when was 8 years old. It was excepted of her to have magic since she was a wizard born but none the less was a wonderful experience. She was playing in the garden doing her rounds of scouting while her father sat peacefully reading the newspaper when she then found a rusty old gear piece stuck in a tree branch! She of course had to have it! Little Mariam jumped up and down with her arms reached out, trying to grab her treasure. Her dad got up chuckling and walked over, "Here Little Maria-" he was cut off when an unsuspected shout came from the little girl's soft lips, "Gimme!" The gear quickly zoomed down from the branch and gracefully into Mariam's sticky little hands. Her dad was left speechless! It was soon followed with a joyful laugh and a proud, "My daughter is
a witch!" Mariam swung in his strong arms. One of Mariam's favorite memories! Her father means everything to her.

Mariam's little family of 3 lived in a well off cabin on a cliff over looking the fields of wildlife and flowers. Her mother and father are successful wizards who had busy lives, but luckily one of them had time for her...her father. Mariam's mother (Maddie), always worked hard, a little too hard. She was never home to experience Mariam's achievements and it had a drastic affect on Mariam...Though it's not a 'serious' issues, every kid wants their parent/parents to be proud of them! Sadly, Maddie wasn't very experienced...On top of throwing herself into work, she also was pretty cold with her emotions. She definitely wasn't one to say, "I love you." Mariam's father on the other hand was a warm man! The type of man everyone turns to when there is something wrong or needs to be done, his very smile would make others smile! He would always leave work early just to be with his little girl...and how proud he is for her being a wizard! When Mariam was 10, things at home started getting messy. Her father and mother were fighting or bickering every chance they got...and it was always about Mariam. This made Mariam feel like she was a burden to her own parents! Everything ended in a mutual agreement that no one told Mariam and her mother moving out...even then she didn't throw a fake smile to Mariam, just a stone cold stare and a slamming door.

Mariam seems to refuse talking about her past. Even though all the bad was made up with gifts, hugs, and smiles...It didn't make up for the hidden anger and rejection she has in her heart. Hopefully this school will teach her that it's ok to have more then one person in your life. You can usually tell how she feels if you pay attention to her magic, she always pours herself into her work.

Hope you're excited to me our lovely little Mariam. What hidden secrets and talents will you find?