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Latina Subaskaran
Wizard born
Eastham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,0 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
First Year | Hufflepuff

Basic Information:

Full Name: Latina Lucy Subaskaran
Date of Birth: 1st August 2009
Zodiac: Leo
Hometown: London, England
Ethnicity: Tamil/Sri Lankan
Blood: Pureblood
Height: 4 foot 7
Weight: 35.6kg
Skin Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Colo: Dark Brown

School Information:

Wand: N/A
Description: sweet, caring, clever, outgoing, very curious person, Bold
Broom: Doesn'T have a broom yet.
Phobias: Spiders, Bugs
Favourite subject: N/A
Patronus: N/A
Amortentia: N/A

Personality: Latina was nervous, at first. Everyone was nice to her so she made a few friends and she is bold, yes, but everyone is nervous sometimes right? Later on, she got quite the hype and everyone likes her because she is always so caring and helps everyone.

First Magic Experience: Latina was always a quiet kid even in her school before she got the letter for Hogwarts, one day it happened she was six years old and next to her old home there was a playground and since she was bored she went there to play. When she was there there were two kids probably the same age as her or 1-2 years older. Anyways, when Latina was there building a sandcastle the two girls came and stomped Latina's sandcastle. Latina was sad at first but then she got angry and looked down to both girls legs and suddenly the girls fell down. That's when it first happened..well it probably happened before but she doesn't remember that.

School: Before Latina came to Hogwarts she went to a public school, since she is new to Hogwarts there is not so much Information I can share right now.

Family History:

Edwin Subaskaran, grandfather - Gryffindor, potioneer

Harper Subaskaran, grandmother - Surgeon

Elliot Subaskaran, Father - Slytherin

Victoria Subaskaran, Mother- hufflepuff

Victor Subaskaran, squib; student

Backstory: Latina never met her Grandparents. But her parents told her a lot about them and now that we're talking about her parents, Her mom, Victoria loves Latina but hardly showed it until Latina got accepted into Hogwarts her Dad however was Latina's biggest supporter, he would always listen to Latina's problems and would tell her that everything is gonna be okay and he was really hardworking. Latina wants to thank her Dad Elliot for everything he did for her and still does. Latina's brother doesn't wanna be involved in all the "magic" he says, he and Latina are really close and tell each other everything.

School life: Latina didn't really have a lot of Friends they all thought that she was weird but Latina didn't really care about that she only needed her books. The books that were about The magic world, the book muggles don't know about. She learnt a lot in her books and she is really glad that her mom bought her the books.


Stamina: N/A
Evasion: N/A
Strength: N/A
Wisdom: N/A
Arcane Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A

Spells learnt: