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Kit Paine
13 Mar 1991
Hogsmeade, Scotland
Portrait Painter, II
BlueMorpho Butterfly
21,8 cm acacia wood and unicorn hair

Name: Kit Paine

Personality: Confident, detached, outgoing, uninhibited, understanding, evasive, optimistic, and seems to have no sense of personal boundaries

Interests: Sketching, story-telling, listening, talking, organizing, cleaning, reading, and finding out more about others

Appearance: Kit is 6'3" or 190.5cm tall with a lean, lanky build. His complexion is olive-tan due to a combination of Asian Indian and Filipino heritage. He has thick, black, wavy hair that's around chin-length and is generally swept back from his face. He has heterochromatic eyes with his right being bright aqua blue and his left being so dark brown that it almost looks black. He also has a pair of tattoos on his face - a symmetrical set of bright, aqua blue swirls - with one under each eye at the crest of his cheekbones. Kit is also commonly seen with silver nails, fingerless gloves, a bright blue collar, several silver earrings in each ear, and a near-constant Cheshire Cat grin.

Background: Not much is known about Kit; at least not on paper. However, it might be a different story if you ask him.

What is known about him is that he was born and raised in the United States of America in a first-generation Asian-American household. He is a No-Maj-born (Muggle-born) wizard who was sent a letter to be enrolled in the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry once he came of age. There he learned the craft of magic as part of the Wampus house and eventually graduated.

Further background regarding Kit's family is difficult to find and it is suspected that this may be because Kit changed his legal name upon graduating and moving away from his family. It has been rumored that his No-Maj parents were the practical sort of people who did not approve of the use of magic and also did not want Kit going to Ilvermorny when his letter was received. However, due to Kit's increased inability to control his magic, it is said they soon relented and unwillingly allowed him to attend.

Nevertheless, Kit's parents were likely displeased with the life he would probably lead after graduation due to the kind of education he received. It can thus be assumed that graduation was the point at which Kit distanced himself from his family, taking on a new name and identity in the process.

Why, then, did he apply for a position at Hogwarts as Caretaker and move into Hogsmeade, Scotland, as soon as he was able? Rumor has it that the very year he applied for the position - a year that the school was also strongly suspected of being under attack by one or more hag covens in disguise - a sibling of his was registered to attend Hogwarts as well.

It can thus be assumed that the attendance of this sibling at Hogwarts is something Kit intends to oversee in order to make sure as little harm as possible comes to his younger family member. Unfortunately, due to the likelihood that Kit changed his name upon breaking ties with his family, it is difficult to determine by surname who among the student body might be his rumored sibling...if, indeed, he has only one...or even if he actually has any sibling at all.

First Instance of Underage Magic: Although a No-Mag-Born (Muggle-born) wizard, Kit's first display of magic was somewhat unusual even within the wizarding world. From the moment he opened his eyes and blinked at them, his No-Mag parents were astonished to notice his irises were heterochromatic; one being a bright blue and the other a very dark brown.

His parents, who were not very approving of the abnormal and weird, fussed over and discussed his eyes frequently, unable to look at their first-born child without being thrown off by his startlingly odd eye colors. Their feelings of trepidation, concern, and unease for how their strange child would grow up and manage in the world soon reached Kit. Even as young as he was, he could sense their distaste and unease and wanted to soothe them. The next time they went to him, he was nearly dropped, for his bewildered parents soon discovered that both his eyes had become the same dark brown that only his left had been before.

Though Kit had thought his parents would be pleased by the change, they were even more distraught than before, unsure if they had simply imagined the whole thing or if they were going mad. When his mother expressed something about liking the color of the bright blue right eye she thought he'd had before, he blinked and then his eyes were both blue, shocking the adults yet again. By then, neither parent could deny, as much as they might have liked to, that something was definitely...different about their baby, if not outright wrong.

Kit grew up with his parents trying to suppress even the smallest display of magic any chance they could get for fear of how Kit would be treated by the unforgiving world; a world that didn't treat those kindly who didn't conform to its social standards and norms. However, Kit - like most curious children - couldn't help but wonder why he was told to hide his abilities, especially when it seemed to so delight his friends. He would practice on his own or in secret with only a few peers.

However, the more he did it, the more he got scolded by his parents. The more he got scolded, the less he performed changes for the entertainment of his friends. And the less he performed, the more he realized just how little his so-called 'friends' really cared about him - not when he acted just as normal as anyone else. Once he left muggle school to enter the wizarding school of America, he learned that his ability was rare even among magical beings. The name they gave those with his talent was a metamorphmagus. Kit, who always enjoyed change and trying new things, couldn't have been more pleased to discover what metamorphmagi such as himself could eventually accomplish if they continued to put their powers to use.

Though he continued to practice and hone his powers for fun in secret, experimenting on his own, he was more careful as he grew. He learned that regardless of whether it was the No-Mag or Wizarding world, appearances were deceiving, causing him to come to the conclusion that they meant very little. So many people, especially during his teenage years and even at Ilvermorny, seemed to be swayed so easily by mere looks.

It began to make him pity them - like how a comely face could bewitch them as much as any love spell. There may have been an attraction there, but as far as he was concerned, it was usually shallow and fake. Soon, Kit began to look down on most if not all of his peers for succumbing to such superficial traits and he began to keep more to himself.

Once he graduated from Ilvermorny, Kit broke away from his family altogether. He moved out and changed his name along with his appearance, distorting his identity so they couldn't track him down, though it's difficult to say exactly why. It has been speculated that certain strains on his relationship with his parents - such as their disapproval of magic and his pursuit of an education and career regarding it - were great contributors to his decision, but no one seems to know for certain.

Nevertheless, he has done his best to use his abilities as a metamorphmagus to teach others what he learned growing up through his various experiences being what he was; that one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, because the contents might not hold what one might expect.

Underage Magic (aside from metamorphing): When Kit was very young, his mother had needed to go into her office on a Saturday. Her husband was working on a project in the garage with power tools and other things unsuitable for small children to be around. Thus, she opted to take Kit with her to her office for an hour or two.

Kit had fun exploring the office, but when his mother had him sit in one place where she could watch him and make sure he would behave while she tried to do her work, he quickly grew bored. Noticing this, his mother gave him a paper and a black sharpie marker - the only marker she had at her very practical desk as an accountant - and told him to draw quietly until she was finished.

Well, Kit did as he was told and quietly drew while sitting where he could be watched. When his mother was finished with her work and ready to head home, Kit showed her his drawings. She did a double-take, glancing at them once briefly and then looking again, realizing something was peculiar.

Though Kit had only been given a black sharpie marker to draw with, his drawings were made up of all sorts of colors; every color under the rainbow. When asked what he had used to draw, Kit simply held up the single marker she had given him, confused as to why his mother seemed so shocked and distraught.

The bewildered woman tried using the marker herself, but it only drew black. When she asked Kit how he had made the marker color different colors, he simply shrugged and told her he'd just changed it. And when she tried to get him to draw with the marker again, willing him to show her exactly how he'd changed it, he told her didn't feel like drawing any more and that he wanted to go home as she'd told them they could once she was finished with work.

Perplexed, Kit's mother chalked up the strange occurrence to having been working too hard and not having had enough sleep. Kit's father, once told of the phenomenon, assured his wife that Kit had probably just got into someone else's markers in another cubicle or something and put them back before she'd noticed. Neither parent decided to think much on the matter anymore, preferring to believe there was a perfectly logical explanation for such unnatural events like that, even if they didn't know what that explanation was themselves.

It wasn't until Kit received his invitation to attend school at Ilvermorny that his parents were forced to think that maybe the case of the changing-color sharpie marker wasn't as easily explained away as they'd hoped it had been.