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Steven Thomas
Wizard born
Walkerburn, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,2 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
A short light skinned boy with short hair because of its tendency to not stay neat for long. Prefers to keep to himself a lot in the outside world but very eager to attend a magical school. He often in the past would ask his parents about Hogwarts and what it was like. He did have some friends though all were muggles and they commonly debated about different topics they were interested about at the time. This sometimes proved challenging because a lot of things they talked about brung up stuff that could be answered with stuff he knew about the wizarding world so he remained some what distanced from them and felt slightly shamed for keeping secrets from them. His parents disapproved of his friend group and tried to keep him away sometimes. Other than that he mainly had little interaction with people which was not that hard because he was homeschooled. For his free time he mainly spent reading books that he found interesting. One day though at 6 years old he was on a vacation with his parents during the winter. Steven met this boy named Hunter and they found a frozen lake Hunter immediately started to check it out because he said he saw something. Steven thought this was a bad idea and that they should go back because it was getting dark, but Hunter easily convinced him because of how gullible he was at 6 years old. Shortly after (just as Steven said would happen) the ice started to crack. Steven stoped where he was, but Hunter lost it and started to run. Because of this Hunter fell in and Steven fell in able to do no more than let out a scream. When he fell in he passed out but a bubble of air surrounded him and he never actually touched the water. Stevens parents heard the scream and came and git him out (not knowing Hunter was there). They did not know how he lived the very cold water but knew it probable was some kind of magic. After all this though Steven did't remember the whole vacation and never knew about the events that happened.