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Griffin Barrow
Aberdeen, Scotland
Second year, Slytherin
30,9 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Giffard "Griffin" Barrow was born in Aberdeen to a witch of Romani ancestry, Elena Heredia, and a Muggle father called Reuben Barrow. A formidable but temperamental herbologist, Elena went to Beauxbatons during her youth and received the opportunity to work as a researcher for Slug & Jiggers Apothecary after she graduated. She then moved to London, where she met Griffin's father.
Although their relationship didn't last more than three months, after Reuben found out she was pregnant, he insisted she'd live in his family's country house until - and only until - the baby was born. The promise was kept, and immediately after Elena gave birth, she accepted an offer to study in loco the magical properties of the elusive Brazilian rose, which was being considered as an ingredient for Slug & Jigger's Beautification Potion.
Griffin spent the first years of his life in his mom's greenhouse located in the Pantanal, Brazil's wetland. Until he was 8 years old, Portuguese was his first language, which explains why his English sounds broken sometimes. He was known to his primary school teachers for being quiet, taciturn, and a bit acid. He never got along with his Muggle schoolmates, and because of that, he became a diligent worker. Despite that, Griffin had a nice and comfortable childhood, forever touched by his mother's dedication.
Elena confessed years later that they wouldn't have returned to Great Britain if she hadn't dreamed of a red train a few days before Griffin's eighth birthday. She learned from her grandmother that dreams aren't to be trifled with, and correctly assuming the vision was about Hogwarts, immediately planned their travel back. They took an airplane from São Paulo to London, which was particularly upsetting for Griffin because of the amount of turbulence they faced. Indeed, when they landed at Heathrow Airport, an unexpected thing happened: after running to the bathroom to vomit, Griffin accidentally blew up a toilet. Knowing what had happened, Elena hugged her son with pride. It was the first time his magic surfaced.
Griffin is tall for his age (5'4), and has dark, small almond eyes. His complexion is tan, his hair is brown and slightly curly, and he has a pronounced, straight nose that looks exactly like his mother's. He hopes to find like-minded mates in Hogwarts but does well by himself.

(OFF: I changed my name to Griffin Barrow, and my blood status is half-blood now)