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Tessa Netting
Birkenhead, England
First year, Slytherin
34,0 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
I am Tessa I am a muggleborn I was born on 13 January 2009
And I found out I was a witch at my eleventh birthday and when my family found out about it they were all surprised but they let me go and I really appreciate that.
I hope I make friends soon.
And now let me explain how I look like.
I have fair skin and blonde hair and blue eyes . My favourite subject is charms. I have read all about Hogwarts in Hogwarts a history.
I would really like to learn some really good spells.
I live reading and writing and I would love to write some stories
I have a sister who is not magical as I am but she is not jealous
of me instead she is happy for me and I am happy to hear that
I always read those fantasy books and thought that the magic is real or not and now after I have got to go to Hogwarts I am very surprised it is like a dream come true
My first instance of magic was when I was 8
Well at that time I did not knew I was magical I was playing with my muggle friend when some girls asscuessed us of throwing sand at them and started picking up a fight
Now now now I have a very big ego and I have so much attitude that if you will compare my attitude to thousands of people than I am gonna win so now let's get back to the story
So one of those girls threw water at me and then pushed me I got really angry and I yelled "ENOUGH" and that glass in that girls hand busted