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Juliana Hunt
Wizard born
Lingfield, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,6 cm sycamore wood and dragon heartstring
Juliana Hunt was born on the ninth of september in Lingfield, Surrey. Lingfield is a village 37 km from Londen. Even though Juliana is wizardborn. Born with dark brown eyes and dark red hair.
Lingfield has very few wizard families and none of them have a child her age. As she is passionate about quidditch and magical creatures, connecting with the muggle children was nearly impossible. In addition to het interests, the Hunts were seen by the muggles as odd and unusual. 'better than being boring,' Juliana told herself.
It not that she minded having not having muggle friends, she found them fairly dull. They were always 'apping' with their mobile phones. She could understand the uses of the phone, an old nokia, and had one herself, she could not understand why some people could stare at those things for hours and dedicate their lives to it. Half of the time she left it at home. She had a good understanding of muggle lives.
Even though her thoughts on muggles, she was always friendly when interacting with them. But easily discouraged when someone made fun of her. When she got mad, it was hell on earth. In fact her first accidental magic happened because she got mad. A couple of children from well though families were making fun of her in quite a nasty way. She levitated a log off wood towards their direction.
She was since that known as the Red Head Log Thrower by the muggle children.