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Barret Baldwin
Wells, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm ash wood and snallygaster heartstring
Barret Baldwin has a short and stocky build. She is 5'2 at 90 pounds...She has ginger chin length hair which is typically very messy. She regularly wears glasses due to her astigmatism.
Barret lived with her mom and 3 younger siblings, her dad was never really in her life so she never knew him. Barret dealt with this quite well. She was always quite cheerful and ready to take whatever extra work her mother had to do off of her hands..This however would sometimes cause her to overwork herself and it would take reminders from her loved ones to make her realize that she needed to take a break sometimes and that her own needs were important too.
Aside from taking care of of family Barret't hobbies were participating in varying different sports and baking. She especially loved baking for her younger siblings..Her favorite sport was boxing due to many members of her mom's family partaking in it. As a side hobby she paints, but isn't very good at it.
Socially she had very few friends, she had chosen for it to be this way because she found having too many friends a bit unmanageable. Another thing that kept friends away was her lack of patience and her frustration at her failures. That was how she had her first encounter with magic, once after losing in one of her school's football (Soccer) games she felt frustrated at her failure because she felt like she had let her team down. This frustration had caused her to accidentally magically knock things off of a nearby book shelf..Luckily she was alone in her room when this happened.