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Sunny Nightingale
Wizard born
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
31,8 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Sunny was born and raised by her mother, Flora Nightingale and, her grandmother Aila Nightingale in Colorado, United States. Flora is a magic historian that currently works as a curator. Upon first encounter, Flora seems cold and distant due to her lack of social skills however she often means well. She loves to engulf herself with her work and is often busy examining various artifacts and runes. On the contrary, Aila is a herbologist who is rather social, easy-going, and friendly. Both of Sunny’s guardians attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Flora was placed in Slytherin while Aila was placed in Hufflepuff.

Sunny does not know much about her father since he chose not to be part of her life when she was just a baby. Nevertheless, her guardians always reassured that her father’s decision was not her fault and, they were sorry that happened to her. They also frequently remind Sunny that they would never leave her and would always cherish her. Despite everything, Sunny still occasionally wondered what reason her father could possibly have to walk out and if he will try to reach out to her in the future.

When Sunny was six years old, her family relocated to Scotland, which is her mother’s native country. They lived in an old-fashioned modest cottage in Glasgow. It was during that same year that Sunny accidentally discovered her magical abilities. She tried to reach for her favorite coloring book on a high shelf and it suddenly levitated down to her. Aila, who was present at the time, was very thrilled to discover that her granddaughter would also be a wizard.

Sunny is a bit tall for her age and is average weight. She has long hair and light blue eyes.

Sunny is adaptable, mellow, optimistic, reserve, and does not worry or stress easily. Although Sunny tends to be quiet, she is not shy. Sunny is straightforward and will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes in. She likes to work hard at anything that she does.

Sunny has been drawing ever since she could pick up a pencil. She would draw flowers, cars, animals, or anything that she saw. Noticing Sunny’s enthusiasm for art, her mother enrolled her in an art class to further enhance her talent. Sunny was able to spend more time on something she enjoys doing while gaining academic skills. Plus, her mother thought it was a great way for Sunny to interact with kids her age since she was homeschooled by her grandmother.

Sunny also shared her grandmother’s passion for herbology. Aila taught her granddaughter about plants and their many magical properties. She made sure Sunny knew how to care and utilize some of these plants. Sunny even has a journal that is filled with her drawing of different plants and their features.