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Christine Brown
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,2 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
I am a adventurous girl who is a tomboy and Hates pink. My fave color is blue and I have blonde hair, fair skin and twinkling blue eyes. I sometimes wear dresses, but only on special ocasions, such as when I took my picture for my avatar and for my uncle and aunt's wedding, which happened last year. I am a pure-blood. My best friend is a pure-blood too! My first sign of magic was when I was 3 years old , I was feeling cold in my bed and I tucked my self in without moving. My mum noticed it and she and my dad were very happy. We are known as a blood traitor family. Most of my family were in Gryfindor or Hufflepuff and my dad was a Ravenclaw, while my mum was a Hufflepuff. Now, my favourite food is chocolate frogs and leaky burger, along with cauldren cakes and butter beer. I am great at Quiditch [which my mum, dad and I play in our backyard] and very sporty. I wish to be on the Quiditch team in Hogwarts and when I grow up, I want to play in Pride of Portgee, my favourite Quiditch team. My favourite Quiditch position is being the Seeker, because they are the stars of the game and also finish the game in lightning fast speed.