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Jewel Babbitt
Wizard born
Ponteland, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Jewel is a wizard born witch who is quite shy and timid. She hates being picked on in class and tries to steer away from trouble however normal fails to do so. She reads a lot of books and loves exams and tests. She takes studying to a whole new level and is willing to do all nighters for her grades. She tries to be punctual but has a tendency to sleep in when she does end up in bed. Although she has good book smarts she isn’t good with street smarts and also often has trouble making friends.

Jewel is average hight and weight and is quite physically well. She has fair skin and does tan very easily. She has medium length hair that is a sort of dirty blond colour. Her eyes are light blue.

She found out about her magic when she nearly knocked mothers vase and caught reached out her hand. She was nowhere near but the vase hovered above the ground and didn’t break.

As a child she would walk around doing projects without looking at her surroundings. She was clumsy and often didn’t hear her mum call her for food as she was reading or writing. Dad worked a lot so she didn’t see much of him however when she did he would give her his full attention.