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Morrigan Errope
Methwold, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,8 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Morrigan is generally a friendly and unassuming girl. She keeps most details of her life private because she was taught by her parents not to over-share. Selfless and well-mannered, she would go to great lengths for those she cares about. Don't let this fool you, though. Morrigan will almost always speak her mind if provoked. She's laid back for the most part, and keeps her heads in the clouds when she's alone.

Standing at 5'1", and 106 pounds, Morrigan is of fair complexion, slim-built, has a slightly thick torso, hazel eyes, and straight black hair. The first signs of magic started to appear in Morrigan at the age of 9 when she noticed that her intense emotions began to affect the things around her. For example, she was crying in front of a mirror one day, and, upon touching it, a small crack would spider out from the point that she touch. Her hands would always burn, ever so slightly, after one of these incidents.

Growing up, Morrigan had an inordinate interest in ghosts and spirits, despite still being so young. However, she mostly hid this fact from her peers while attending Muggle school; she was pretty shy and a bit of an introvert, and didn't really have a chance to make any friends. She enjoys sniffing Sunflowers, feeding small creatures, talking to her porcelain doll (though, some tease her about this) and standing or playing in the rain. She doesn't like loud noises, and is afraid of being abandoned.