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Jamin Thompson
Wizard born
dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
A young boy who is tall for his age, messy blond hair and blue eyes. He is perpetually happy and king to everyone. He was born with a preternatural strength that belies his size. He lives with his large family that includes two older brothers and one older and one younger sister. newly moved to Dublin, and being a shy lad, he stays home more often than not and reads incessantly. He often cares for his mother who is of fragile constitution and therefore frequently ill. He stays with his mother to keep her company and help care for her and she teaches him many different crafts to pass the time. His father works for the power company as a manager, and then he works nights at a home for wayward boys. When he received his letter he was afraid to go because it would leave his mother all alone during the day, she assured him she would be fine and that he needed to learn to control his magic. His brothers and sisters are frequently away, out playing or going to work of their own. He loves animals especially dragons, and cats (in that order) his family has always had pets, he even had pet snakes for a while. with his mothers approval and his dads encouragement he is very excited to start his adventures at Hogwarts.