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Ellen Thomas
West London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Ellen Thomas is a bubbly and clever young woman born and raised in West London. She's often getting herself in trouble and she always manages to use her cleverness to her advantage, in the sense that as a kid she would often use her father's weakness to her crying to get away with things.

She's also not one to give up easily. Whether it comes down to her studies or some personal goal she wants to accomplish; unless she sees it through, she won't stop trying until she gets what she desires. This has been a point of frustration for her parents before Hogwarts.

Despite her persistent nature however, she is prone to procrastination however. Often leaving things to the last minute if she decides they're not important. Especially when it comes to homework or similar boring things.

Ellen's early childhood wasn't much different from that of a muggle's despite both her parents being magic users. Seeing that the muggle world was evolving, her parents didn't want her to feel like a fish out of water should the need arise to integrate into muggle life; thus they had a townhouse with muggle neighbours. Which often restricted her parents' use of magic, or to disguise them cleverly.

She went to ordinary school with ordinary muggle children, and was told by her parents not to speak about magic at all while at school. And the few times she did let it slip, her teachers would say she had a very vivid imagination.

Things changed for her at the age of ten when while frustrated at the TV, sparks began flying from it. It was only after the initial shock of the moment that she realized she'd accidentally did magic, something her parents warned her would get her in deep, deep trouble.

She went frantically crying to her father, saying how she didn't want to go to Azkaban for a silly mistake, but he reassured her. And a year later, a letter came by way of owl accepting Ellen to Hogwarts.

Ellen's height is in the 90th percentile for her age and maintains a weight in the 50th percentile. In essence, she's lanky, with a wiry frame. She has light brown skin, with kinky black hair tied up in a bun, left in braids, or left in curls. When not in a school uniform, she's usually wearing a blue jumper and either a skirt or a pair of joggers along with her favourite shoes: converses.