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Zoey Wright
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,5 cm vine wood and unicorn hair
I am Zoey Wright. I have long blond hair and brown eyes. I am not very tall but not very small either. I am brave but also loyal and helpful. I am excited to meet new people and to learn spells. My mum has non-magical parents.I really have no problem with that. But my dad grew up in a pure Wizard family. Now, my parents are working in the ministry of magic. They are both aurors. I want to become an auror aswell. You can fight against dark wizards and witches and help to live in peace with the muggles.
The first time i`ve noticed that I am magical was on my fourth birthday. My parents baked me a cake and I was so happy that I blew the whole cake up. It was very funny.
I have two brothers too. They go to Hogwarts aswell. One of them is in fith year and my second brother is in seventh year. He nearly did it ! Both of them are in Gryffindor. They told me everything about the school. For example about the moving staires or the house ghosts. And aswell something about Quidditch and the housecup at the end of the year.
I am really looking forward to my time in Hogwarts and of course to the sorting ceremony. I am ready to learn something new about witchcraft and wizardry.
See you at Hogwarts !
Zoey Wright