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Emma Pembrooke
31 Oct 2009
Swansea, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
27,9 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Emma Pembrooke was born on October 31, 2009 to Ella and Richard Pembrooke. She is the youngest of three and the heir of a long line of Welsh nobility.

Emma is a petite girl with brown hair that reaches her mid-back. Although she prefers to let it go loose, she is often seen styling it in a high ponytail. She has sea-colored eyes, which often hold a glint of mischief. Her favorite color is green, which she is seen wearing at all times in at least one clothing piece or accessory.

She is known as a curious and adventurous child, who will talk to anyone that will hear. Her curiosity and fearlessness has led to her getting in trouble quite often. During her time in the primary, Catholic school, the nuns often complained about the many ways Emma has managed to put herself (or her classmates) in danger.

She had this same type of reputation in her home, known as "Miss Emma," to all those who took care of her in the grounds of the estate. Her main caretaker, Mrs. Evangeline, has dealt with many of Miss Emma's reckless adventures. From climbing on the roof to try and fly or accidentally setting things on fire in the kitchen in an attempt to teach herself how to cook.

Despite her outgoing nature, Emma is often seen as a conceited and spoiled child. During her 11 years of life, the word 'no' has seldom been in her vocabulary. Anything she wants from her parents, they indulge her with. For this reason, her "adventurousness" has found no limit whatsoever.

A particular instance comes to mind:

One July afternoon, Emma was exploring her parents' vast library. Her older brothers had left to a swimming tournament that weekend, her parents accompanying them. (She too was expected to be an exceptional swimmer, she just had not been yet informed by her parents)

Mrs. Evangeline had come to fetch her for supper, when the woman saw Emma intent on looking for coloring pencils to color a particular book she had found amongst the many volumes on the bookshelves.

Despite her trying to dissuade the child from doing this, Emma's anger grew from Mrs. Evangeline's attempt to stop her from doing what she wanted. This anger grew until the books from the bookshelf Mrs. Evangeline was standing near fell on her. No one is sure quite what happened for that to occur.

Mrs. Evangeline seldom speaks of the incident but when it is mentioned, she just smiles and says, "That child is magic."