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Naomi Thorn
Cotswolds, England
First year, Slytherin
31,0 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Naomi Grace Thorn is, in a word, determined. Or if you were to ask someone other than herself, depending on the day, they might provide an alternate: ruthless.

Born the youngest daughter of an aging Muggle father, a wealthy businessman, and a witch thirty years his junior, Naomi was into a large family without any of the benefits of one. Given the late age in life in which her father had her, Naomi is significantly younger than her five half-siblings. She additionally bore the curse, in their eyes, of being the reason that their father had separated from his first wife, their mother.

While Naomi grew up comfortably with her father and mother in a happy home on a large estate, she often felt isolated in her formative year and a afterthought in child form. Much of this is due to the lack of a bond with her five Muggle half-siblings, all of whom had the benefit of growing up closely together. Although she would never outwardly admit this, Naomi is often deeply jealous of their bond and wishes she could just break into their circle, not seeing how anything could be her fault for just being born.

Naomi's father insisted that she attend an ordinary Muggle private school in her early years as a compromise with her mother. He felt that a solid, early childhood education was vital to the success he and his other children had in life. But still agreed, all the same, to let her attend Hogwarts when she became of age, knowing she very well may take after her mother.

Naomi had always received high marks in school as she was a naturally curious girl and found faster friends in books than with the other children in her year. She was extremely driven to be the top of her class, a trait she had taken from her father. In fact, people often said that was a miniature version of her father in her mother's body.

While Naomi was open-minded and accepting, and willing to learn from mistakes, her drive and passion to be the best could often come off as a know-it-all if she was not careful. This does not a popular child make - and thus, Naomi had only one close friend growing up outside of her mother and had a knack, despite all of her smarts, for not being able to read the room and putting her foot in her mouth.

Naomi was a late bloomer in magic but, to the relief of both her father and her mother, showed signs on a family trip to an amusement park. Naomi had become separated from her mother and, in the midst of her panic, emitted red sparks into the night sky that the Muggles had mistaken for fireworks.

Naomi has brown skin and naturally curly hair, which she often likes to wear in two fluffy pigtails on each side of her head. She has dark, brown eyes that almost look black and a warm smile. At the age of eleven, her front teeth are slightly larger than the rest and have a slight gap in them. She is tall and slender, much like her mother.