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Lindsey Monroe
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
She has medium length wavy-ish hair. Her face is adorned with freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her bright blue eyes stand out from her dark eyebrows that shape her face. She stands at a height of 149.86cm. Her petite figure made her look as if she was younger than she actually was.

I was born in the United States of America. Both of my parents are English though. I have an older sister named Lucy who is four years older than me, who is also a wizard. When I was three, we moved to London, England. When we arrived, my teddy bear was packed away in a box. My parents said that they couldn't get my teddy bear so I was having a fit. My magic first surfaced that day. I summoned my beloved teddy bear without knowing that I was doing magic. My mom was a muggleborn wizard and my dad was a wizard-born wizard. They both attended Hogwarts. I made many friends before getting accepted to go to Hogwarts. My friends always said that I was very funny and outgoing, even though I considered myself shy. I grew up in a community that was mixed with both Muggles and Wizards. When I was 2, my sister was born at St Mungos hospital. I didn't understand what was happening so I was really confused. She floated a few centimeters out of my mum's hands.