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Elyse Crimson
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
27,8 cm cherry wood and troll tail hair
Name: Elysebeth Crimson, goes by Elyse (pronounced El-ees)
Date of Birth: October 25

Hailing from a small Glaswegian wizarding family, Elyse grew up in a simple Scottish home as the oldest of two siblings. Her parents were humble and loving, providing the best they could for their two children, allowing for them to live a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. Being that they were a pure-blooded family, it was not surprising when Elyse's magic hit her like a train on her tenth birthday. The cake her mother had so lovingly made for the occasion exploded to bits after a massive burst of excitement in the form of young Elyse entered the kitchen. She'd only just pointed at the cake, but there it was, splattered all over the walls only seconds afterwards!

Despite her mother's hard work, they all knew then that she'd be well on her way to wizarding school.

The fire in her shoulder-length hair matches her soul, for she never shies away from people or from having a good time, often fooling people into thinking she's entirely extroverted. However, this fire also juxtaposes the softness in her that speaks more to her introverted side, where one could see her tucked in a nook with a good novel or a sketchbook. Bright green eyes greet people with a gentle smile, illuminating the subtle freckles that dot her nose and cheeks. Eager to learn, compassionate, loyal, a little anxious and also quite stubborn, Elyse is a fast friend for most individuals, and the opportunity to meet new people always interests her.

Elyse loves animals (she'd love to eventually own a ferret), and she holds great interest in Herbology, often seen tending to potted plants in the family garden. Her favourite smell is vanilla bean, and while her favourite foods include rice pudding, chicken, and sushi, she'll never say no to a Curly-Wurly for a treat.