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Samantha Stark
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,1 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Full Name: Samantha Marie Stark
Date Of Birth: 13th May 2009
Nationality: Scotland
Ethnicity: Half Kiwi (New Zealander) and Half Filipino
Nicknames: Sam, Sammy

Samantha is a kind-hearted and loyal person. She will always be supportive of her peers and will be there for them no matter what. Sam can be nosy and clumsy though, as she likes to know about what is going on in people's lives. She can sometimes have the tendency to break the rules when she is influenced. But overall, Samantha is a fun and bubbly person, and always likes to have a good time with her peers.

Samantha has wavy hair that just reaches under her chest - the texture and the colour of her hair inherited by her father. Samantha also has inherited her mother's eyes. She has inherited her father's light freckles, which are scattered lightly across her face. Samantha also has a small light scar as the back of her right hand from climbing a tree.

Samantha was born in a small town located in Scotland, to her parents named Robert and Dianne Stark. Samantha has an older brother named Harrison, who is about three years older than her, and a younger brother named Isaac, who is two years younger than her. When Samantha was about four years old, her parents had decided to move to her father's home country named New Zealand, because at the time, they had to look after his parents, as no one else wanted to. Samantha loved New Zealand, as she enjoyed spending her time with her grandparents. When Samantha was about eight years old, her father had a job offer which was located in England, and he couldn't turn it down as the job had apparently had been good pay. Samantha was sad to leave her grandparents behind, but she gets to see them once a year, twice if she's lucky.

How and when did Samantha's magic surface?
Samantha was about eight years old when this had happened. She had been angry at her older brother, who had accidentally broken her favourite doll. She had been very angry that she had made her brother's hair turn red. Her older brother hadn't noticed that his hair had changed colour at first until her mother had walked into the room to see what the commotion was about. When her mother had mentioned that Harrison's hair was red, she had assumed it was a small prank, so she didn't think much of it. However, Harrison was a little petrified and surprised by how his hair had turned red - For a while, he had assumed he had superpowers where his hair would change colour depending on his mood.

OOC: Hii my name is Maria! I haven't been on here that long so please bare with me haha