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Rish Sen
London, England
Third year, Hufflepuff
30,6 cm aspen wood and thestral tail hair
This is Rishita Sen, 11 years old. Her preferred nickname, though, is Rish. Her mother’s name is Alyssa and her father’s name is David.

Before she turned 11, she lived in Muggle London in a Muggle school, even though she’s a half-blood and knew about magic since she was 8, because her parents wanted her to go to a Muggle school before she turned 11, and despite her various protests at the beginning she actually grew to like school. A lot.

She has somewhat long, wavy black hair and brown eyes. She is somewhat dark-skinned and she has glasses that are somewhat half-moon but more circular.

She is a half-blood. Her mother is a witch and her father was a Muggle. Her mother confessed this to Rish’s father when Rish was born, because she was scared that he wouldn’t take it well. Of course, he was a bit surprised when she did, but in about a month he was able to accept that magic is real and that his wife was a witch. When he sees his daughter he is sometimes reminded that she might be or is a witch, but still strives to try and treat her the same way as he thought he would.

She has been waiting for her Hogwarts letter ever since she first showed signs of magic at the age of eight. One day, she was in the house with a broken leg and wanted to grab a book for her to read but couldn’t reach it, but then suddenly it started to float. Of course, she knew nothing about magic then, and was scared out of her mind, but when her mother came she told Rish that everything would be fine and explained to her that magic was real, and from then on has been telling stories of her adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Rish is extremely extroverted (most of the time), and loves to talk with people. She makes friends wherever she goes, but sometime stalks a little too much. But sometimes she can be deep in thought and isolated. She loves adventure and she feels like she needs more of it in her somewhat-normal life, and that Hogwarts would be the perfect place to have it! (She also follows rules most of the time, so maybe not at night). She likes to study, as long as the amount of assignments are somewhat bearable.

She loves to sing a lot, and she loves any type of the arts. Drawing, music, you name it. Except for dancing. She HATES dancing.