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Mouse Hatter
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
21,5 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
I am a quiet girl that loves animals, books and enjoys learning. I also really like drawing. I believe there is good in everyone and am always worried about people's opinion about me. I hate breaking rules and I want all the teachers to like me and don't like being unkind to people even if they are unkind to me.
I am a short, pale girl with short black hair half covering my right eye and have vibrant green eyes. I also have freckles. I have a pair of really kind parents that are both witches called Andrew and Ann, and an older brother named Callum.
I was born on September 11th, 2009, in Glasgow, Scotland. After I was born my family moved to England, where we bought a house in London. The first time I did accidental magic was when I was five, my mother was not letting me eat a cookie because I haven't eaten my dinner, and I was trying to stand on a stool to reach them. I could see the tip of the box placed right over the edge, and I was filled with frustration and irritation and anger. Suddenly, the box seemed to topple over the edge and fell right into my hands, making me beam. Only after I had my fair share of cookies (and more) I realised what happened, and I was filled with such pride and happiness, and immediately ran to tell my mum, who seemed very confused to why I had chocolate smeared on the corners of my mouth. After I started screaming happily about how I did magic, all of my family congratulated me, before giving me a sever telling off for eating the cookies.
My parents decided I would go to a muggle primary school, not something most wizards would do, but they wanted me and Callum to be well educated and smart when we go to Hogwarts. Callum was four years older than me, and when I was seven years old Callum was accepted into Hogwarts. Instead of missing him I just enjoyed the fact there was no older brother to annoy me, and each time a letter came from him I would write back about how fun it is at home without him.
Without my brother home, I savoured all of the attention I could. I was always a good girl and listened to my parents, so they never really gave me as much attention because I didn't cause trouble. Now, I didn't need to cause trouble when I wanted attention. I remember that a week after Callum went, my parents took me to a museum. It was incredibly interesting seeing the view of the non - magic community, and I couldn't help look forward to learning about magic history in school. Another day, both of my parents were at work. Usually, they would have me being looked after by Callum but this day I got to go with my mum to work. It was amazing. First, I had to flush myself down a weird toilet thing and then before I knew it I was at the ministry. My mum took me to the elevator and I was incredibly excited. My mum started talking to some friend from work not noticing that I had walked out of the elevator, trying to find the cute sounding squeaks. Then I glanced into an open door and seeing a huge terrifying creature I was the one that let out a squeak and I bolted down the corridor. I felt so lost and sad and after a lot of walking around, I sat down in a corner and wept. Finally, a kind woman called Ms Aggins took my hand and brought me to her desk, where she sat me down on a chair and fed me ice-cream until I felt better. After a few hours my mum appeared and scolded me for walking away but then she gave me a huge hug and brought me home. For some reason, I never went to my mum's work ever again.
Another really interesting day was when my mum's friend came over with his son, who had a break in school. Derek was a few years older than me and went to a different school than Hogwarts, but the important thing was that he was flying on his broom in the backyard before going inside for tea. Leaving his broom behind, I should add.
I never had flown a broom before, and I was about to find out that I'm not the best at it. A rush of excitement filled my body with adrenaline as I sat down on the broom. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then the broom did some weird flip thing and I landed in St Mungos. However, it wasn't even that bad there, because there was this one nurse that joked around with me as she fixed the crack on my head, making me completely forget the pain.
When Callum came back home the first Christmas he kept talking about how wonderful it is, and about the spells and amazing teachers. I happily waved him off as he set back to Hogwarts again, only to find out that he invited around a few of his new friends for the summer. They played in the house and talked about Quidditch while I sat on the roof and glared down at them for invading my space.
In my primary school, at the age of seven, I met Louise. While growing up I was a quiet girl around people I didn't know, and even if they laughed with me and told me jokes, I wouldn't really say anything. One day I was sitting under a tree wishing I was in a community where there were only witches and wizards without the muggles, when a girl sat don next to me and started talking. I could never invite Louise to my house, since I didn't want her to walk in on the dishes washing themselves, but I often visited her house and loved playing with her cute puppy. Then, when I was ten years old, a boy was prancing around, claiming he was a wizard and that he would turn us into frogs. Louise laughed at him and told him magic was for babies, which was where I stepped in, telling her that wasn't true. She looked deeply into my eyes and told me that if believed in magic, I was just as big of a baby as the boy, and walked away. Tears filled my eyes and I stared after my friend, the happiness leaking out of me faster than potions leak out of a cauldron with a hole. This was precisely the reason why I couldn't be friends with muggles - they would leave me as soon as they realised what I was. I cried for many nights after that, before my mum came to me telling me there was an owl with a strange letter addressed to me. As soon as I saw the Hogwarts crest, I squealed so loudly the bird dropped the letter and rapidly flew away.
I often think about what job I want. In my opinion, jobs in our world were much more interesting then the muggle jobs non-magic folk had. My father looks after magical creatures and makes sure their not seen by muggles, while my mother works in the ministry in the underage magic department. I loved magical creatures, but on the other hand there were so many jobs I hadn't even heard of yet, so I had only one thing clear: I would have to wait until I'm older. Callum's older than me and he doesn't know what his job will be when he grows up, either. The only thing I want for certain, but I know there is little chance for it to happen, is that I really want to be an Animagus. It was my biggest wish ever since I heard about it, and I know it will be my biggest wish for years later. One thing I'm certainly looking forward to is asking the professors in Hogwarts about Animagus's. It is only one of my thousand reasons why I can't wait to go to Hogwarts.