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Robert Toukmond
24 Dec 2008
London, England
Fourth year, Ravenclaw
32,8 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Personality: Very intelligent and clever. (Intelligence refers to my ability to retain knowledge, not how much knowledge I already have.) Kind of shy, but likes meeting new people. Good sense of humor, likes bad puns. Enjoys music of all sorts, as long as it's older than 20 years (classical, jazz, 80s, 90s, etc). Loves reading, especially science fiction and fantasy.
Appearance: Very tall and skinny, has short red hair and hazel eyes. He has thick, square glasses, but normally wears contacts. Has a couple freckles on face. Can easily get sunburned.
Family: Both my parents are muggle scientists, which made it very hard for them to accept that magic is real. My mother, Sarah, is a biologist and my father, Thomas, is a physicist. My mother specialized in marine biology and my father is working to find a Theory of Everything that connects quantum physics to classical physics. Personally, I find my father's work much more interesting, which is why I know more about it. My parents have never been normal, which I've always associated with their jobs. They both work odd hours, sometimes even sleeping in their labs, meaning that I grew up to be very self-sufficient. However, if I know that if I ever really needed something, they'd be there for me in an instant, even if it meant giving up months of research. The fact that they always discussed their work in front of me also meant that I knew a lot more about their respective fields of science than most other people my age.
Apart from my parents, I have no close relatives, including siblings. I do have an uncle, (my mother's brother,) but we aren't very close. I think my mother and him had some sort of argument, but I don't know the details. My father is allergic to cats and dogs, so I've never had a pet. I've also never really had any close friends. Most people can kind of sense that there's something different about me. I used to think it was because of my parents, but now I wonder if it's because of my magical abilities. There was a set of twins, Sadie and Julia Collier, that I grew up with. We were so close that everyone always referred to us as the triplets. However, they moved to the States a few years ago, and we've kind of drifted apart since. I wonder how they'd react if they knew I was a wizard?
History: I had no idea that I was magical until I got the letter, but after receiving it, several things started to make sense. Looking back, many events that I had thought were odd suddenly had an explanation! For example, once, I broke my glasses after accidentally stepping on them before going to bed. However, when I woke up, they were fixed! I thought at first that it was just a dream, but now I know that I must have accidentally fixed them using magic.
I remember the day I got my letter like it was yesterday. My parent's thought it was a joke, but the Leaky Cauldron isn't too far from where we live, so we checked it out. They were very surprised to find that it did in fact exist! The bartender there was very nice, and helped us get into Diagon Alley, where we were able to buy all my school supplies. My favorite part of this was buying my wand from Ollivander's. It took four tries, but we finally found a wand that fit me! I think this was the moment that it really sunk in that all of this was real, not just some fantasy.
After seeing the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley, my parents had no choice but to admit that magic was in fact real. To their credit, as soon as they saw that there was overwhelming proof of this, they immediately accepted it as fact. I think the reason for this is because, as scientists, they were used to having hypotheses proven wrong, and had learned to accept that the world doesn't always act in the way we expect it to. However, I was a bit surprised at how supportive they are of allowing me to go to a boarding school in a different country at which I know nobody.
I think the class I am both looking forward to and dreading the most is Charms class. Charms seems like the most useful class because I will learn spells that can make my every day life easier. However, I'm also a bit worried about it because I've never done magic on purpose before, only on accident. I guess I'm still a bit worried that I might not belong in this amazing world after all.