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Cassius Eden
13 Jun 2008
Ilkley, England
Sixth year, Duelling Captain, Prefect of Ravenclaw
34,8 cm Silver Lime and Rougarou Hair

Cassius was born at his family's ancestral home in the small village of Ilkley in West Yorkshire. The only child of strict parents, Cassius had a regimented childhood that more often than not found him in the company of books rather than children his own age. Despite the restrictive nature of his upbringing, he wanted for little in terms of material things and received a sound basic education through private tutors. In addition to English he was taught French, the first language of his mother's family with whom he would spend some summers at their properties in France.

The few friends he did have were from other wizarding families in the village, mostly other pureblood families who were close with his own family. The importance of lineage was impressed upon him at a young age and though his family's pride was not overtly flaunted, one who looked closely could see their perceived air of self-importance.

Appearance & Personality

Like several members of his family, Cassius had dark brown-black hair and blue-gray eyes. He was of average height but somewhat scrawny for his age. Even so, he enjoyed sports and physical feats as much as board games and games of wit but with more success in the latter than the former. While graceful in victory he was prone to outbursts when faced with defeat, finding fault in others before looking introspectively at his own actions.

When he was ten, Cassius was the passenger in a vehicle collision in France that saw his uncle killed and cousin paralyzed from the waist down by a muggle driving under the influence. The event had a profound effect on him and caused him to become more insular, seeking solitude rather than new friendships and become distrustful of muggles.

Manifestation of Magic

An inquisitive boy, Cassius had a thirst for knowledge and adventure from a young age that saw him often exploring the Ilkley Moor with his older cousins. It was in the moor and around his ninth birthday that he experienced his first spark of magic. While climbing on a small tor on a steep hill, Cassius lost his footing and fell. Before he hit the sharp rocks on the ground, however, he was able to arrest his fall with an uncontrolled burst of energy that saw him receive only some scrapes and bruises from the rough ground rather than broken bones or a potentially lethal injury.