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Ryu Frost
Birmingham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,6 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Ryu has dark brown hair that's just long enough to cover his eyes whitch are a rare yellow colour with small amounts of green.he also has some freckles and a small scar under his eye from a car crash that killed his mother. Ryu has very fair skin as he doesn't go out very often because he's not very sociable.

You will very rarely see Ryu without his headphones. Music is like a drug to him, he can never get enough of it and he always wants it. As a child his parents didn't pay much attention to him so he turned to music. Even from a very young age he admired musicians and different types of music.Music also helps to calm him down and relax him. Ryu has slight paranoia and has problems sleeping at times.

Ryu mostly dresses in black and gray and sometimes other dark clothing. He never goes anywhere without this key that he keeps on his necklace. You will also see him carrying around a small black book that he draws in a talkes about his day and feelings , he always keeps it in the inside pocket of his coat and will never let anyone read it.

He had some family problems at times and he would lock himself in the closet because it was the only place he felt safe and he would often closed his eyes and shout out all of his frustrations and then it happend a small fire appeared Infront of him me had set 2 of the scarfs on fire inside of the closet. Unfortunately the fire got out of and before his parents noticed the smoke and it burnt the upper part of his left arm