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Silver Roane
Wizard born
Carryduff, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
24,8 cm chestnut wood and troll whisker
Silver Roane is an eleven-year-old with a mischievous smile and a wit to match. He was born to two wizarding parents, his mother a half-blood and his father a muggleborn. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

He had his first accidental magic when he was five, and he wanted a book that was high on the shelf and couldn't reach it. It flew down to him and he was shocked. Sometimes, when he was mad, smoke would come out of his nostrils and that would shock him and tickle him enough that he would get 'un-mad'.

Since there weren't any wizarding primary schools around, his parents taught him how to read and write. He often tried to write with his left hand instead of his right just to see if he could do it, and now he can write with both hands, though his left hand is a bit of a messy scrawl.

He had friends who were also wizarding children; one was a girl by the name of Alexa. Alexa and him were as thick as thieves; a day hardly went by where they weren't getting into some kind of trouble.

They liked to prank others, and often you could see them huddled together, plotting some new prank of theirs. For instance, they once sprayed their parents with water balloons when they stepped outside to find them after they had hid away for a while. Another time, they painted an apple blue with purple spots and showed it to Alexa's little brother. They found their pranks hilarious, and it showed.