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Adalia Hawthorne
Wrexham, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
31,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

Adalia has shoulder-length straight black hair that is often described to be silky. Her eyes are dark brown and sharp and cat-like. She has soft features and lightly tanned skin. Her height is average but she has a small frame.


She's on the introverted side of the spectrum, gathering more energy from spending time alone. She's clever and imaginative, often having random spontaneous bursts of inspiration. She's got a good sense of intuition and her gut is usually always right. Because of that trait, she knows friend from foe and can detect if someone's fake from a mile away.

She's a good person in general and has a good moral compass and is wise for her age. Some people found her rather peculiar when she was a child, because she loved reading and writing over interacting with other kids.

Unfortunately, not socializing with kids when she was younger resulted in her dealing with some difficulty with vocalizing her thoughts and opinions to people she wasn't used to being around. She often forgets that people can't read her mind, and that results in her words being interpreted the wrong way.


Elsie Hughes was a well-known welsh author in the European Wizarding World. In 2007, Elsie married Charles Hawthorne, a Korean-British muggle-born wizard. The couple moved to Elsie's hometown, Wrexham, Wales. A year later they opened a muggle bookstore and lived with their newborn daughter, Adalia, above the shop.

At the age of 9, Adalia started showing some signs of magical ability. When a girl her age began to tease her at school for reading Shakespeare during recess, her voice began to turn into quacking noises after she had told Adalia her voice sounded like an annoying duck.