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Wish Aldrich
Pemberton, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
He is quiet and independent, doesn’t trust others easily and always is secretive. He was really interested in creatures and looks up to Newt Scamander as his idol. He nearly always is with a creature wether that be his pet, another animal, or a magical creature. His friend circle is small but when he has friends he is very kind and caring for them.

He is neutral about the dark arts but never with dabble with them, as his father (the muggle) was killed in a fight with a dark wizard. He does not like to oppose anyone, or make enemies but if he does it will be on accident or a mistake. He will stand up for his friends but not himself. He rarely gets angry but when he does he goes all out.

He is especially interested in lycanthropy and half-breeds, his best friend when he was little was a young centaur. But one day the herd of centaurs went away. He is interested in lycanthropy because he had a werewolf in his town he lived in. They banished the werewolf soon after but Wish never stopped being interested.

His home was many places as his family kept moving, his mother was a housewife and his father did muggle work. His father was acceptant that Wish’s wife was a witch, so there wasn’t much conflict in that area. His magic first surfaced when he was 7 years old and he made some plates float when he was playing, his parents were overjoyed!