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Solstice Woodward
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
My name is Solstice Woodward and I am a half-blood witch heading to Hogwarts. This means my mother is a muggle Born and my father is a wizard. I have golden hair that matches my green eyes, and tan skin from summers spent on the beaches of Spain with my family. I sometimes think I need to lose weight, but then I think of all the good foods in the world and realize that looks aren’t everything!
I have a a little brother who is only 6, a Mum and dad (obviously) that live together with us. We also have a family owl named Hershey, after a muggle chocolate factory.
My first case of accidental magic was when I got mad at my mother for taking away my toy as a punishment and the toy appeared right next to me! It was a really big deal for my family. We even had Grandma and Grandpa over for dinner.
People tell me I am sweet and sour. This confuses me- the only thing I think of when I hear sweet and sour is those muggle sweets my father got at the Weasley Wizard Wheeze’s.
I hope I get sorted into Ravenclaw like my mother. I think if I got into Slytherin like my father, I would be teased for my half-blood status. Hufflepuff would be nice too, with kindness and loyalty. I am not a very brave or aggressive person at all, so I think Gryffindor is out of question.
I can’t wait to go to Hogwarts!