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Lean Kaiser
Wizard born
Ripon, England
First year, Slytherin
33,2 cm alder wood and kneazle whiskers
This is Lean Kaiser, or Lean K.

She is intelligent. That's the first thing people notice about her, rather than her looks. Although she is smart, she only studies what she enjoys most which is a problem for a student at school. She craves for success and wisdom beyond measure. Apart from that, she's quite introverted and shy. That doesn't stop her from meeting new people though! Especially at Hogwarts, I'm sure she's thrilled to find individuals like her. One thing to remember is:
She listens to many people, talks to a few.

Fun fact: She admires the Ravenclaw Hogwarts house the most. She puts wit and intelligence above everything.
Apart from English, Greek is also one native language of hers. She was raised bilingual.
  • Facial features: Green-ish eyes, brunette hair, usually wears black thick glasses.
  • She's average height.
  • She grew up in the muggle world.

    During her childhood she was pretty introverted. Her parents raised her in the muggle world. They feared of You-Know-Who reigning supreme. They wanted to protect her at all costs. They felt like she had to have a "normal" life.

    Despite all of their efforts in giving her this "normal" lifestyle, she understood she was different. Once, a bunch of kids bullied her because she was studying chemistry during Christmas. Unconciously, her breath became more and more intense as they laughed. Next minute, the kids were 1 feet above the ground! Thankfully, no one was hurt. The Ministry of Magic immediately took notice of the situation. Obviously, Obliviators were sent and, with the use of Memory Charms, they modified the Muggles' memory. The bullies couldn't recall a single thing of what had happened.

    People can't recall her without a notebook in her hand. She has always enjoyed science books. Always has been a straight-A student. The muggles used to call her this strange word, "nerd" everytime they would see her with her Algebra notebook.. It was so weird. Now, she is determined to learn real stuff. She wants to go to Hogwarts to learn what she was really born to learn. Magic.
Also, raised in the muggle world, she played music! She knows how to play guitar, piano, ukulele and a bunch of other instruments.

Her "anthem" that describes her:[music][/music]