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Sheyma Seabrook
Great Sankey, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Sheyma is young wizard, even if she didn't know it before, she grew up in France but her family moved 5 years ago because of her dad's job , she still make mistake in English, don't blame her.
She is not tall but not small, just average. She as brown eyes and brown hairs, you wouldn't notice her in a crowd . But because of this absolute standard look, she was able to wear what she wanted, everything suited her. Her style was sometime classy, cute or even quite eccentric (she loves wearing things that can make her look different, like she was coming from a completely different word or time) .
She love studying and when she is not working she draw or sing. She is kind, really ! But sometime she is just very very strange, acting like a mouse or making very bad dad's jokes. She also will never be able to break rules (at least not rules created to protect people, if she think the rule is wrong and unfair she will be the first one to go against it).
She often she herself like a magical creature, that is why she paint herself like a mermaid.
Her first magic accident was when she was 6 years old, she was bored and thought that it could be cool to draw on the walls, she would never do it because her parents would scold her. She was thinking about what she could draw "some spirals, shapes, or maybe a forest. Oh yes a very dense forest with a stag and some fairies, oh and that could be so beautiful if the painting had rays of sunshine moving ..." While she was lost in her thought, the drawing she had in her head started to draw itself on the wall, exactly how she imagined it. She "wakes up" and jump of surprise seeing the wall freshly painted. She was horrified and was even more afraid as she heard her mother coming. Because she wanted to erase the drawing it started to disappear and when her mother entered, nothing was on the wall anymore. She tried it again but nothing appeared on the wall, she thought "Maybe it was only my imagination"