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Harley Pfeifer
Bungay, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm cherry wood and basilisk horn
Personality & Psychology
Harley is highly observant and adaptable. Sometimes he can be too observant and becomes so absorbed in his thoughts he gets lost. He loves extreme sports and is a bit of thrill seeker. Having a strong sense of what is right by others, he's a dutiful friend and a team player. Loyal to those he feels is true, but due to his past he struggles to register his emotions and sometimes reacts inappropriately. He also doesn't always understand social norms, and sometimes can take things with a little too much humor, turning off more serious characters. If his friends are down he usually will try to joke with them, but if the moment is inappropriate will not know what to do and instead offer his presence. He's a bit overwhelmed with his new found wizard status, and feels excited about the possibilities, but worried he will somehow disappoint his father.


Harley has messy, straw colored hair and brown eyes, a button nose and small ears that stick out the side of his head, which makes him look a bit like a small animal. A little shorter than average height for an eleven year old, he makes up for his small size with an athletic build. He possesses a youthful and optimistic appearance, and often wears a goofy smile.

Personal Bio
Harley was born 25 January, 2008 in Suffolk, England. His parents, Rhett and Heather, were young adults and not ready for children. They argued frequently, over small disputes, and seemed to grow further apart every day. Finally, Heather had had enough and declared she wasn't ready to raise a child. She tried to storm out and abandon her family quickly, but for some reason each time she completed packing her luggage, it would un-pack itself. Flustered and horrified, she left immediately, without luggage, and never returned. Not one to dismiss his responsibilities, Rhett stayed by his son and raised Harley by himself.
The two moved to Bungay, partly to be closer to Harley's grandparents who lived there, and partly because Rhett had procured a job as a maintenance assistant at the local high school. He performed general cleaning duties as well as minor electrical and mechanical maintenance for the school. Harley was aware of how hard his father worked for him, and always felt a little bit of guilt over it, unsure if he deserved a father who cared for him so much. He feels a lot of pressure to become something wonderful and make his father's struggles worthwhile.
Harley was a very goofy and personable child, and he had no trouble finding a friend wherever he went. Yet, there was always something strange about him, and even he couldn't deny it. There was that one day in nursery school, when a man came dressed in a large seagull costume to discuss conservation. Harley was terrified of men in costume, and would avoid them at all costs, but this time he could not escape. The situation was made even worse when mid-way through some nightmarish dance number, the giant seagull's tail burst into flames! The man inside panicked, as did the remaining children and staff, who chased the giant flaming seagull around the room, blasting him with fire extinguishers. And a couple years later, when Kevin Connolly went to crush that poor caterpillar, yet somehow his foot would not meet the ground, no matter how many times he stomped it? The children had a good laugh at Kevin's expense but it quickly stopped when they realized he really could not meet the ground. His family was mortified, not sure if they should contact a doctor, a scientist, or the news. Fortunately for poor Kevin, the Ministry of Magic were quite put out, having to obliviate Kevin and his family, as well as a dozen or so children before they could commit the incident to him forever.
When Harley's eleventh birthday finally came, Rhett took the day off and traveled with his son to London. It was an excellent birthday; he got to eat two cones of rocky road and mint chip ice cream (his favorite flavors) and he was allowed to pick out some joke books and a football video game. When they returned home, he was so excited and exhausted he didn't notice the strange man standing next to the garden gates, and walked right past him. The streets of Bungay were rather busy, even in the wintertime, and as their home sat right on the street, Harley had become quite accustomed to the sight of strangers.
"Pardon me, Mr. Pfeifer?"
Harley turned round, startled. The man was dressed rather strangely; he had on red plaid pants and a camouflage shirt (which did not serve its purpose well) and his head was capped in a shiny purple bowler hat. Aside from his strange clothing, he was exceptionally tall, towering over the eleven year old, and boasted an impressively well groomed dark beard. His slanted silver eyes seemed to sparkle like fireworks. Harley had never seen such a character in his life, and it was all he could do not to explode in laughter. However, he tried to maintain himself, and replied, "Do you mean my dad?"
The strange man smiled in a friendly way and reached into his coat, withdrawing a small envelope. "I have a letter for a 'Harley Pfeifer', and I have reason to believe he is you, is that correct?"
If his strange get-up hadn't caught the boy's interest yet, it did now. "Yeah, that's me, can I see it?" The stranger handed him the letter. His stomach burning with curiosity (or perhaps ice cream), he turned the letter over. His name was scrawled on the front in neat elegant writing, with green ink. Turning it over, he saw that it was sealed, in the manner he had seen in movies about medieval times. He opened it carefully. There were two pieces of parchment inside, written in similar green ink. It took him a few minutes to say anything in response as he read, then re-read the letter before he looked back at the stranger, bewildered. "What is Hogwarts? What sort of school teaches witchcraft and wizardry? I've never heard of anything like this..."
The tall man maintained his polite smile and said, "You understandably have many questions, and I'm sure your father will as well. May I come in and explain my business here?"
Harley obliged, and lead the stranger to his front door, and after his father gave a similar start, his questions were answered. Neither one of them could believe Harley was a wizard at first, and Rhett took a bit of convincing on the existence of magic, but after his phone transformed into a squirrel and leapt off the counter, they were much more agreeable. This stranger was a wizard, and so was Harley. Rhett was extremely proud, stating he always knew his son was special, and eagerly agreed to have his son study at Hogwarts the next year. They came up with a plan to tell his friends and family that he had won a scholarship to a technical school. In the months leading up to that autumn, Harley became increasingly nervous. What if there had been a mistake, and he couldn't do magic at all? What if this was all some elaborate prank? What if he could do magic, but he wasn't very good and failed his schooling? He tried not to think about all the ways he could disappoint his father, all the ways the rug could get pulled from beneath him and fall hard. However, the undercurrent of anxiety was overpowered by sheer wonder and excitement, and Harley remains optimistic and ready to explore the world of wizards.