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Laura Saldana
London, England
First year, Slytherin
30,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
I am an 11 year old girl. I have bright light blue eyes like the ocean, very light tan and dirty blonde locks of curly hair. In my free time I like to sing, it is one of my only talents that I actually enjoy. The only other talent that I have that I enjoy is cooking, since my mum works a lot I sometimes like to hep with the cooking and I personally enjoy it a lot. I have 2 twin brothers that 10 months older than me and a 40 year old mother, my dad died when I was only 5 so I don't really remember him. I usually make friends really easily and I like to be friendly with everyone so no one feels left out. I am kind of tall for a girl my age being 160cm tall and it's always been that way for me, I used to get bullied when I was 9 by this girl called Sarah, until one day I decided it was enough and defended myself. Luckily for me Sarah stopped and this new girl came called Kaitlin and we quickly became best friends. My favourite colours are Blue like my eyes and Mauve. My favourite animal are dogs because they are friendly and fun to play with, and they stay loyal to you. The first time that I remember that I showed some magic by accident was when I got a very bad haircut by mum and I had school the next day, at night when I went to go to sleep I prayed that it would magically all grow back to the length it used to be, when I woke up I saw that all of my hair was back in place. The next time that something magical happened to me was when I was climbing a tree to get back my kite, I fell down from the very top, it was like 20 metres down, when my brothers got to me they found that I was completely alright, I didn't even have a scratch on me.