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Styder Ross Nixx
West Bromwich, England
First year, Slytherin
25,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Styder was born to Vanir and Elias Nixx on October 5th. He grew up in the town of Leeds with only a handful of close friends of pureblood lineage. He has a younger brother named Stephin who is two years old. Vanir and Elias while they fawn over his younger sibling they spoil Styder with his studies. His parents are very proud to be pureblood but Styder did not share their discriminatory beliefs. He wants to make friends with other kids his age no matter their bloodline, even if his parents wouldn't approve. Styder had an expensive education and learned a great deal about the wizarding world and what to expect from the castle and it's curriculum. Once he reached the age of eleven his parents were thrilled to learn he would be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Styder found he was somewhat excited for it but he was nervous to be around so many other kids. He was nervous about which house he would be attending. Styder did not know if he was suited for Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff. He hoped the sorting hat would show him his place in the school itself. Styder was most looking forward to getting his wand and learning about how to create magic and spells. He just hoped he will live up to his parents expectations

Styder is of English descent with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His facial shape is similar to his mothers whilst his eye color and mouth shape are that of his fathers. His skin is a pale olive tone that makes his eyes stand out. He stands at 4'10" which is an average height for an eleven year old.