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Kianna Dawes
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
35,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
kianna was quite special from a young age.she was always quite outgoing and loud,but there would always be something weird or peculiar happening around her wherever she went. kianna didnt know it but she was involved in the phenominal thing called magic.

Kianna has mid length black hair which is usually always up and puffy she has hazel brown eyes upon her dark complexion and thick lips,her face a deep shade of brown.
kianna comes from a muggle family,and is therefore the first magical one of her household. she has three older siblings and one younger one,meaning she didnt get much attention as a younger child. she is also quick and witty and quite artistic. she will clap back at you if you are anything other than nice. kianna loves dogs and she loves watching waves crash on the beach. she also loves to bake cakes and cook in general.

she is very exited to be accepted into Hogwarts and really enjoys reading and writing.Her first occurance of magic happened when she was sitting in her room around the age of 6 in london. she began to drink water but slowly the cup would move whenever her hand came anywhere in contact with the air surrounding it but whenever she raised her hand the glass would levitate wi5thout any known help.