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Wendy Espionza
Poplar, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,1 cm cherry wood and horned serpent horn
Wendy Espionza is a 11-year-old witch. She's bubbly and energetic, and often over-enthusiastic. However, as kind and friendly as she may be, she has an explosive temper and a very sharp tounge, so she doesn't have many close friends.
She has black hair that she frequently dyes dark blue and that she wears in multiple messy braids, dark blue-ish eyes, pale skin. Her favourite colour is dark violet, so you'll most likely see her in a off the shoulder violet sweater when she's not wearing robes.
She was born in England. Her father died in a car crash when she was only 3 (to be honest, she doesn't really remember him) so she lives with her mother, her stepfather whom she hates (her mother remarried) her stepsister Allieah whom she hates too, and her beloved dog called Collie.
At the age of 10, bits of magic started showing up. First was a twig dropping on her classmate Jerimah's head when he made fun of Wendy, and then Allieah's shirt getting soaked when she wouldn't give Wendy her waterbottle.
When she got her letter, her mother was obviously shocked. Allieah (who is a year older than Wendy) was furious that she wasn't a witch and her stepfather was annoyed at Wendy for making Allieah furious. Luckily, after weeks of pleading, begging and apologizing, she was finally allowed to go, much to her relief.