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Taehyung Kim
Sheffield, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,8 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Taehyung was that one kid in his muggle class that was friends with
everyone. As a friend, he is cheerful and supportive, always sharing and developing ideas, and staying open-minded, taking in others’ thoughts and feelings and is a master of drawing others’ out of their shells. He is enthusiastic, observant and an excellent communicator.

He is fun loving but emotionally sensitive, and not a practical
thinker, leaning more towards following his heart and gut, than brain. Focusing on routines and tasks involving more specific concepts are challenging for him and his academics in the muggle world were often affected adversely due to the same. He tends to overthink and that does stress him out more than he would admit and the number of friends he makes often ends up overwhelming him with the high frequency of interactions or words of advice as a friend that are expected from him.

Taehyung is not particularly athletic, he is lanky and taller than most of his classmates and has recently discovered the wonders of semi permanent and temporary hair dyes and can often be seen trying out various colours (during breaks since his school did not allow their students to come in with hair the colour of a red poppies or blue hyacinths) as a way of self expression or just as an experiment much to the awe of his friends whose parents have strong opinions about allowing children to sport such abhorrent hair colours but his parents are cool that way.

His Korean ethnicity is very prominent in his features but has disappeared from his accent after spending his childhood in a purely English environment, his parents having decided to just stop using korean in their interactions since he was five years of age to avoid confusing their son with two languages though Taehyung kinda wishes they hadn't just so he could have flaunted his knowledge of two languages.

His first accidental, non-purposeful use of magic had been at age six when, in a fit of panicked fear, he casted magic to save his precious, barely a few weeks old, kitten from falling to her untimely death from his bedroom window by slowing down her fall mid air and gently lowering her to the ground.

He hadn't even registered what he had done but his parents had but they had initially brushed it off to the wind carrying the little furball even though there had not even been a breeze on that hot summer day or just called it a trick of the light since they had witnessed it from their car.

But then his Hogwarts letter had materialized at age 11 along with a faculty member and everything had made sense to them. Right after his mother had regained consciousness from her fainting spell ofcourse. Taehyung had just been elated out of his mind. He was after all a creature of day-dreaming and creative imaginations, whose fantasies had suddenly come to life.

His hair had turned the colour of carnations, with how excited he had been and that had been the second time he had made use of accidental, non-purposeful magic. The faculty member had been kind enough to return his red strands of hair back to their original state of chocolate brown.