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Martha Infante
Wizard born
Harrow, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,6 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Name: Martha Infante
Age: 11
House: Hufflepuff
Personality: Martha Infante is a happy child who has many friends and would love to have more of them. She likes animals and loves to sing and dance. She wants a cat, even tho their big brother has a rat. She can be very fast sad or angry, but when she does. She will be happy again when the problem is solved.
Before Hogwarts: When she was little she didn`t like that her family was wizards. Her idol was her muggle grandma. She was at her grandmas place almost all the time, and she loved listening to the story that her grandmother told her. But her grandmother wanted Martha to be a witch and tried to tell Martha good things to be a witch and dumb things about being a muggle. Her mom liked doing dishes with magic, but when Martha saw it, she got angry. Now they try to don`t use magic when Martha is in the room. But last year her grandmother died. And her last words where: "Be a witch". From that moment Martha loved magic and let her family do magic around her. Her grandmother left her doll to Martha. She called the doll: "The lucky doll", and when she had the doll with her, her grandma will be there with her all the time. Now, Martha is excited to go to Hogwarts. And her twin sister Noa Infante will be there too.
Accidental Magic: When Martha was 5 years old she became so angry that one of the windows got broken. She was upstairs, angry at her twin sister Noa that one of the windows in the kitchen got broken. Her mom and dad ran upstairs crying of happiness. I was really comfused, but i got really happy when they told me that i was magical! Noa got jealus but when she got 6 years old she got magic too! Now you wonder: But why did you hate magic so much? Ok, so when i was six and Noa got her magic. She burnt up my hair! Yes! That was her approval that she was magic...and she did it SEVERAL TIMES. I was so angry that every time I saw magic I got angry at my little sister. Then i ran og to Grandmother and she got me happy again! I love grandma! I was with her all the time!

Martha Infante