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Hera Elizabeth
Livingston, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
35,8 cm aspen wood and veela hair
Hera is a self-contained, reflective person, with an introspective personality. Although she often does not let out about her true feelings, she really cares about her friends. She is firmly creative and is busting to doodle or write something at any given moment. Hera is fluent and persuasive in speaking and writing and could chat for hours with some people. She is a visual learner, and cannot take in much from a long lecture on anything. One of her favourite possessions is her diary, which her father bewitched to reset every year.

Her skin is a rich, warm brown as that of a rugged old tree, the paler, less pigmented spots were the tree's marks from where generations of energetic children have scampered up it. She would laugh at the notion if you said it, telling you that her brother when he was only four, would climb up her as if she were that old, rugged tree. She has black hair, annoyingly coily with an unimaginable amount of flyaways. Her eyes were the colour of her mothers favourite sherry, she was told, but she doesn't really think they're that special herself.

Over her eyes, she has thick prescription glasses, which always fall on whatever plant she is sowing or the potion she is making. Without them, her vision is fuzzy to the point where it's impossible to see, and her eyes ache if she opens them. Hera wears her uniform with the sleeves constantly rolled up to her elbows, in every weather. She once did this when the snow was strong and had to be in the hospital wing for a week. Although it seems odd, she does it out of habit. Her old uniform in primary school was itchy, so she kept it rolled up so as little of it touched her as possible.

Another of her habits is covering her mouth each time a giggle rises up. Hera constantly carries the distinct scent of coconut suntan oil and leather.

Hera is a half-blooded girl. Her mother was a muggle, and her father a wizard. Both are ecologists, so Hera spends a lot of her summer outside, and arrives back at school with dirt on her clothes and under her fingernails. This gives her an advantage in Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. She has two brothers, Owen, a muggle, and Claude, undetermined as he is only eight years old. She only really gets along with the boys half of the time they're together, as they enjoy pranking her with horrible things, like a whole tin of worms that once was left in her shirt, which was tucked into her trousers.

Her magic first surfaced when she was nine, in primary school. Her teacher had called her stupid after she answered a maths question wrong- doodling in her book. She had been absolutely furious! She glared at her teacher until her blonde, curly hair went green!