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Katie Mare
Liverpool, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm cherry wood and thunderbird tail feather
Age: 11
Weight: 90 pounds
Height: 5 foot 2 inches
Physical Description:
Her hair is shoulder-length and black. Curly waves adorn her face, the thickness only held back by a white headband. Her bright green eyes sparkle like moonlight hitting water. If you were to touch her, you would find her fair skin would be soft and smooth. Her skin complements her full lips and short nose. Her elegant long fingers hold her wand gracefully. She likes to show off her muggle heritage by wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, but is not opposed to a witch’s robe. The only jewelry she wears is a necklace with her initials that her older sister gave her.

I was born on a sunny day on May first in London, England in 2009 to Alexander and Lucy Mare. I grew up in London, going to a great school, with great friends. I showed my first case of accidental magic when I was seven in school when I defended my friend from a bully at lunch. I made his lunch hit him in the nose! After this incident, we had to move to Liverpool where no one would suspect me of magic.

My parents didn’t like my magic, so they tried to suppress it by homeschooling me where I became very lonely. My only friend was my older sister, Ari, who protected me from my parents and occasionally took me out of the house into the city. Even with her, I still felt very alone.

When I got my Hogwarts letter, I was so excited! I was ready to go and explore the world that I haven’t seen before. I was sad to let Ari go, but she gave me a necklace to remember her by, of which I am very protective.

Additional Information:
I have drawn my own profile picture.