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Adela Bell
Queensbury, England
First year, Ravenclaw
21,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Name:Adela Bell
Adela was born into large muggle family in England. Her family was vary poor and struggled to make enough money to support her and her eight siblings.
It was clear that Adela was different from the beginning. Her family tried to keep her strangeness a secret. They were afraid of her and did not have a good relationship with her.
At age 9, she moved in with her Aunt. Her tied to help her become “normal”, but As much as her aunt tried to normalize her, odd things just kept happening to Adela.
Adela loves her aunt vary much, and was vary happy to be living with her.
Her aunt lived Adela like a daughter, even if she did not understand the magic that surround Adela.

First interaction with magic:
When Adela was just a few months old, her mother was trying to feed her some pumpkin baby food. Adela had a deathly Allergy to pumpkin. Her mother must have forgotten and tried to feed her some. The baby food suddenly flew out of the bowl and through the window. Her mother was terrified and ran out of the room, leaving Adela setting there.

Adela is a fun bubbly person. She is the kind you cannot help but love. She makes everyone smile, and seems to have her own little sunshine. She is a bit of a troublemaker and likes to have fun. She is a little sassy, and likes to get her way. She is clever and uses her wit to come up with pranks and fun ideas. She is the loyal and fun friend. She craves adventure. She very independent and makes her own rules in life.

She has long strawberry blond hair with piercing blue eyes. She is on the short side average and is under weight.