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Zander Vorse
Wizard born
23 Jun 2012
Galway, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
30,6 cm beech wood and phoenix feather
Zander is a very ambitious, but also very kind wizard. He is only five feet tall, but manages with what he has. His eyes are brown, like his fathers and his hair is also brown, like his mothers. He always felt weird though, he was born a girl. People called him freak but that was okay. He would find better friends in the future.

Zander was born in the United States on the 23 June 2012 to a wizard, Tony Vorse, and witch, Astrid Vorse before moving to Galaway, Ireland when he was only 4 years old. His father didn't go to Hogwarts, but his mother did and she was a Slytherin. When he moved to Galaway he started at a muggle school called St. Patrick's Primary School until he was six. There, he had many muggle friends including Amaruq, Reyna, Reid, and Alexander. He was also very skilled in his math and sciences so he was moved up in those programs. He moved to the United Kingdom when he was seven years old. They lived in Glasgow. His magic first surfaced at the age of eight, when he was at home and he couldn't understand the way his mother and father were always able to use magic and he couldn't. He got so frustrated he made all the windows surrounding him shatter. In fact, his neighbor called the police because they thought the kitchen had exploded and had known that Zander was inside. The police however, didn't find anything that exploded and started an investigation. To avoid any further suspicion from muggles, The Department of Accidental Magic and Catastrophes made a visit and cleared it up. At least he had magic. He started to think he was a squib.

When Zander got his letter, he was very excited to go to Hogwarts. His parents helped him navigate Diagon Alley. Getting his wand was his favorite part of the journey, his wand was a 30,6 cm beech wood and phoenix feather, though he didn't know much about wand making, he did know that each wand had it's own personality. His parents gave him extra galleons for the train ride and took him to platform 9 and 3/4. When he got on the train, he sat in an empty compartment and waited for others to sit with him. He was slightly worried because he didn't know anyone. He was also worried, would he be bullied for being trans? That's when a group of people came into the compartment and they started talking. He now had friends. And they even accepted him for who he was. Now it was only time for the sorting ceremony, maybe some of the most scary things a student could ever go through at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he was ready. "Gryffindor!" the hat yelled when it was put on his head. Not only that, his new friends on the train were also in the same house