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Gunner Saxobeat
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,4 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
DOB: 21st January

Personality: INFP, he wore bold/funny socks, he thought mayonnaise was spicy, he handed out excuses like the Jehovah witness handing out prophets, he also blasted up David Bowie Golden year's because why not? Might as well live a little and he was overly dramatic to a point it was funny.

Backstory: He was born in, he waited 10 year's in that time he blew up a kids face a scorched it it charcoal black it looked like a massive bang so he defiantly knew he was going to Hogwarts not because it was the best but because it was the closest geographically placed and he sure could get damn lazy if he wanted too.

Likes: Michael Jackson, all his songs, will probably dance to he's the greatest dancer by sister sledge or queen all day long if he could.

dislikes: people who follow rules because lame like Ew no let's have fun and be prepared to do crazy dumb crap with him, like the one time he stuck a fork in the toaster and turned it on so no wonder whenever he listens to beetlejuice he get's the meaning "toaster's should be used for bread" on another spiritual level.